Design Goals for OpenTheme

OpenTheme Design Goals are Rapid, Responsive, Reactive, Realtime, Reusable, and Relaxed.

Nov 29, 2014 • Manav Sehgal ~ 2 min to read • design patterns

OpenTheme Design Goals are Rapid, Responsive, Reactive, Realtime, Reusable, and Relaxed.


OpenTheme blog works well on multiple screen sizes. Scaling content and features to Mobile, Tablet, Desktop form factors, with zero to minimal effort on your part.

Just try it now. Resize your browser window and see how this post scales down/up based on target browser or screen size. Even the features enable/disable based on what a particular screen size can accomodate. Like the menu for Templates shows icon and text on a larger screen, only icon on smaller ones.


We have a goal to achieve the One Minute Content Workflow from creating a post to going live.

This one minute should take care of asset pipeline incluing HTML, JS, CSS, image pre-processing, testing your web app where tests are included, optimizing your assets where required, including features that you designed for, saving a version of GitHub, publishing to live.

We also want you to have the capability to author your website directly using GitHub web based editors. This means OpenTheme only uses markup, tags, conventions that are 100% GitHub whitelisted. That way you skip any pre-processing, Jekyll, or dev box requirements. GitHub is your Content Management System!


Every feature on OpenTheme is designed with reusability in mind. OpenTheme’s growing list of _includes are - tag lists, category lists, recent posts, top menu, post side bar, page bar, post paginator, header, footer, and featured post.


Reactive website or web apps behave like native desktop or mobile apps. When an email arrives, your desktop or mobile just alerts you without any action from your end. Reactivity in web apps takes this concept to the next level. As it applies to even upgrading the web app. Add a new feature, publish, and it becomes available to all users currently connected to your app.

We are currently exploring reactive frameworks including AngularJS, to identify the best-fit for OpenTheme + GitHub stack. Stay tuned for more.


When we have reactive web apps, we can start using them for realtime updates, like social streams, stock prices, weather updates, and such. Realtime content management, is an Opentheme feature in the idea stage. Follow developments and design discussions on the OpenTheme Trello Board.

Relaxed - convention over configuration over coding

We favor conventions that are intuitive, yet relaxed for flexibility. Like, all partials go into _includes folder, all templates in _layouts folder. Conventions are favored over configuration where these are popular, and well known patterns.

Relaxed because, you can decide to follow conventions, intuitively default to known patterns (example - global configuration), or create your own (example - your own data structures in _data folder).

Configuration in _config.yml and frontmatter is used where it adds to ease of content creation and design.

Coding follows best practices from top GitHub libraries like Semantic UI and projects like Jekyll that OpenTheme has as dependencies.

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