This is a sport scores sample app created using Fusion Tables.
Three simple steps to create this app.
- Add one simple _include statement.
- Specify the SELECT query identifying the Fusion Table by unique id.
- Name the field to filter as Frontmatter, and you are done.
You can author this single page app using Markdown. Pull data source from Google Fusion Tables.
Visuaize and interact with the data source using Google Visualization API.
Features include:
- Data grid that updates as the source data on Fusion Tables changes.
- Filter on any field within the data source.
- Filter UI control designed using Semantic UI.
- Sort any column by clicking.
- Paginate large data sets.
- Serve from GitHub using Jekyll content workflow.
- Reusable _layout for Fusion Grid Filter apps.
- Reusable _include for filter and table control.
- JS parametrized to YAML Frontmatter. No changes required for new data sources.